Saturday, February 15, 2014


I've got 2 bad things to tell you fans about! 1) Cupcake's hurt his right paw! (Go to his blog and see how he's doing by clicking here: 2) My mother and her owner have gone for a 3 day vacation! Help me!!!!! I"M IN DESPAIR!!
 20 minutes and 12 pats later.....
OK, I just calmed down because my owner just started petting me. Anyway, Cupcake has been taken to the living room to have this ucky brown stuff on his injured paw. I've seen the medicine, and even dared touch it. I got the cold slimy stuff on my paw and I had to have a bath (which I hate).  After my dreaded bath, I started mewing loudly as to get some attention. My plan backfired, and I got a telling off. 
And how, just HOW can I wait 3 whole days for my Mama to come back? I'll hope for the best.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Horrendousness of Little Boys

Sorry everyone! I haven't written in quite a while and I know how much you love to visit my blog! Gr, I'm so MAD at myself! 
 Any-hoo, our neighbors came over for lunch today. I don't know their names because they're in foreign language. The family has 2 kids and they are young. Like, 4 or 5. Both boys, UGH! They both pulled my ears and tugged and my tail and had LOUSY attempts to pat me on the head. And the way they did it! Thump, thump, thump over my head!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Oh, today was the worst day in the WORLD! Namely, INJECTION day! I don't like my vet either. He holds me too tightly, and also he makes us wait for HALF AN HOUR while he finds those stupid shots of his!
 When it was my turn to go, before my owner could grab me, I ran for it! I ran back to the waiting room, and climbed on the vet's big cabinet. My owner had to climb up on a chair to reach me!

No matter how many times I tried to escape, I was caught. So...I just got a stupid shot.