Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yuck, Blech, PEE YEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite room in the house, the study, got painted today. Auburn, quite a pretty color, and an exquisite name. Auburn. Auburn. Auburn. AUBURN! 
Me and the dogs got a royal telling off because we stepped into the room, and practically got paint on our paws. We were told "not to set ONE SINGLE paw in the room" or we'd be in for it, big time! My owner is VERY excited. She says it look "fab-tastic". 
The paint arrived right now. It smells weird. I tried to give it back to the painter guy by pushing it along with my head, and my paws. But he wouldn't take it back no matter HOW hard I tried. They're painting now, and weird smells are coming from that room. 
I think I'm up for some chicken. Good by, everyone. See ya soon.

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Worst Day

Monday is always my WORST day of every single week in a month. This Monday, I accidentally got a piece of wood when I happened to see Mama's house was getting new chairs. And after that, I climbed up the cabinet and I fell. Thank goodness the fluffy rug was there! Then, I accidentally got scratch marks on the sofa when I climbed up it, and I got a telling off. Uggggghhhh! I hate Mondays and I'd rather have an extra Tuesday because I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE MONDAYS! Deep breaths. Huhhh, hoooo, huhhh, hoo. I gotta go. Where's my little ball?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mama's Visit

Today, my mama came over for a visit with her owner. They live right down the street from us, so our visits are pretty common. So, me and Mama went outside and she lay down on the courtyard chairs. I climbed up there too, and batted her tail like I did when I was 4 or 5 months old. "Frisky! You are a grown up kitten now! You should know by now,"she scolded. "But Mama, I'm only 6 months old!" I protested, furiously. Then came the bat. I got batted right on the butt. So when Mama left, I was a bit glad.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Diva

Today my owner's friends came over and one of them called me a "Divalicious  Diva". I like the word. 
It is I, humble subjects, Frisky, Queen of the Divas! You may bow and kiss my paw now. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jingle Bells, Cat Litter Smells.....

The maid forgot to clean my cat-litter AGAIN. I had to do it behind a bush. SO EMBARRASSING! And that tabby tom was watching from the top of a tree. MY tree. I climbed up it and we got into a fight. Thank goodness I wasn't hurt, but I gave him a piece o' my mind! Then, I got stuck up there, and my owner had to climb up that tree to get me down. I was shaky for hours after that! 
Is that stupid tabby tom gone?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Me myself, and I

I'm a girl kitten-diva, go by the name of Frisky. I live in a mansion with 3 highly annoying dogs and a hamster. He has his own blog, and one of the dogs does too. But MY blog is the best, and so, you'll wanna come here every single day. I like attention and being in the spotlight, mainly getting all the attention. I also love going out, so my owners made me my own cat door. But I also enjoy curling up in my owner's lap, while she strokes my head. 
Anyway, I hate when the others get attention.What makes them more special than me ? And I hate it when our maid forgets to empty my kitty litter, so have to do it outside. In front of the dogs. No offence, but they sniff each other's butts, and chew their claws (Or whatever dog feet are called). So my favorite season is winter. The heaters are on, my owner's mom is cooking soup (I don't eat it, but I love the smell), and there's the Christmas tree to climb on in December. My least favorite season is scorching hot summer. I always get fleas and that stupid tabby tom-cat from next door is forever coming in front of me, and trying to play. I do not play with immature, crazy, and naughty cats. Plus, he's a BOY. And I kind of don't like spring, because it was the season when my cousin, Queenie got hit by a car and d-i-e-d. It was so sad, and I was watching the whole thing. Plus, Queenie was only 7 months old, and I was 5 and half months old. So my adoring fans, you now know a lot about Frisky, girl kitten-diva, of the mansion. 
And you can vote for me on Paw Nation. Here's the link: Pet Profile: Frisky