Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mama, Frisky, and Cherry Share an iPod

Ugh. I don't know what's worse, the Big Sad Lunatic (aka Chester) howling outside because Friend banished all the dogs to the backyard or the fact that I HAVE TO SHARE THIS IPOD POST WITH MY MOTHER AND SIBLING. 
You complain too much, Friskins. *Sigh*. You raise them to be good, kind, well mannered, quiet cats and this is what you get. Downright depressing, this is. 
Maaaaaaaaaaaaahm, why don't you moan somewhere else? This is my blog, not a place to moan about how rude we are!
This iPod's keyboard is too small for my liking. And Cherry Pie, will you STOP swatting my tail! You are not two weeks old, you are TWO MONTHS.
but i lik to swatt yor tale mommy you are meen mommy
Cherry Pie Kitten! You are the most insolent, disobedient, ill-mannered, and incorrigible kitten I have ever mothered. Why, you are even worse than your sister, which is saying something. Oh, how I wish Mama's Boy were here. He was such a kind, sweet, well-behaved kitten. 
He was a total wuss, Ma. He was the most sorry excuse for a brother ever. He didn't even wrestle good! And it was his own fault he didn't dodge that motorbike.
Oh, you little-
C*H*E*R*R*Y P*Y ijsnishdnejhyrbffkksbdsj ajshdbeh jsheghndhhswwetdwkmssv 
Oh, for Pete's sake! Are you ever going to learn to spell? Ma, I think you've borne a dyslexic kitten. 
Never mind, Friskins, just share. And please let me type. 
Fine. You first, then me, then Cherry. 
no farre, i alwaiz go last.
My day started with the little ones mewling. Friskins was extremely rude about it and complained that she 'needed her beauty sleep'. Then Cherry Pie scratched the door and Friskins's owner entered with our breakfast of chicken and milk for my kittens. Cherry Pie was in a sulk and was yowling. I swatted her. Friskins was even ruder. Then in the afternoon just as we were about to post on the blog the laptop went dead. So Friskins's owner put it on charging and we are now using this iPod. 
My turn! Okay, so, I was in for a rude awakening and asked Mama to shut her kittens up since I need my full ten hours of beauty sleep. So we had a squabble over that and then Friend came in with breakfast and Cherry on her shoulder. Cherry yowled so loud Mama swatted her and I told Mama the only ones she cared about were her &*^#@ kittens. Then all the kittens went to sleep and when we were about to write a post for the blog but then the laptop went kaput, so now we are using this iPod since Friend is using the iPad. 
cherys turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i screemd for mama to let me in but she sed no and i screemdd sum more and then frend came with chiken and milck and we had brekfast and then mama hit me and she and friskee had a fite and then we did the lapptop bt it turned of so now we are yoosing this ipod.
Two minutes later...
How do we put pictures to a post on an iPod?
Ugh. Look at the camera icon on the right. Tap 'use photo library' and choose one picture at a time. 
Ah. Yes. I knew it all along, I was just testing you.

These photos were all in the park.

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