Saturday, September 27, 2014

Smudgie and Mommy: Quality Time

Smudge and I played outside together. Talula was inside, playing with Friend, the lazy girl. Here are the snapshots:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cuties At the Park

Talula and Smudge and I went to the park. Smudge enjoyed herself immensely,  bouncing around. Talula hid behind me, but she was okay after a bit. These are the photos. Smuge was against a blanket on Friend's chest.

Big Sad Lunatic

I think I burst a lung laughing! Chester is in deep doo doo with Friend. Here's the story.
I was lying in the kitchen,  grooming myself, when Chester trotted along. "Hey, this is my place, ya big black pest!" I told him. "Bug off," he said. Then that bafoon opened the fridge...and knocked over tye big Baskin Robbins icecream tub...then he started licking it...I tried to warn him...he was still licking when Friend stepped into the kitchen. "CHESTER!"she yelled. He stopped dead and put on a  big sad innocent puppy dog face. Friend wouldn't buy it. She made him sit in the living room with this paper like this:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Singing Lessons

cherry chreey cherry cherry mama mama stgigugtit7u6tu67
Cherry! Go away!
No faire no faire stinky ugly friskee
No no no, frend. want to type.
Thank you, Friend. Oop. Excuse me a moment, people. I gotta use the litterbox. 
To be continued...
Cherry, dear, please go ahead and type.
GO AWAY! Shoo. Mama, a little privacy? Okay. Here's the REAL post. 
Talula and Smudge went to the living room while Friend was having her piano lessons and started to grope around. They actually fell into the piano! Well, Talula did. I was there too, but I fell asleep on the big armchair. Smudge started to yowl. "Shut it," Friend hissed. I climbed the piano and found Talula in the place where the big strings are. I pulled her out and she told me that Smudge had pushed her. Well, Miss Smudge Van Musical just sat there and pawed around. I dragged her away for her feeding. Tally, please don't climb those drapes. Just a minute.
Smudge! Don't you dare!
sorry mommy.
That's okay, dear, just don't do it again. You can do it when you're old enough. At least you have a sense of spelling. That goes for you too, Talula, and PLEASE stop climbing the drapes, sweetie! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Midnight Mischievousness

It's actually a little past midnight while this post is being written! Right now, Talula got hungry and started meowing in the middle of the night. Friend and everyone else got up. Friend's mother FTS came up and with Mama. I have to let Cherry Pie, Mama's last remaining kitten write.
Hi i'm cherry cherrycherrycherrycherryvherrycherrycherrycherry i like ritng. 
Cherry! Stop it!
Friskins! Let your sister have a turn! 
Argh! But Maaaahm! She doesn't even TYPE properly!
No. Cherry, dear, have a turn.
Cherry pye. my naime is cherry pie. i like milck. i wanna plaiy. 
Enough! You type like you're dyslexic.
Friskins! Do I have to remind you to share nicely with your sister!
hahahahahaha i get 2 type. i dont like friskee.
Why you little-
Cherry, dear, you type to your heart's content.
cherry cherry c;'khydgfhiidbnskhikqhugehwfe;l
She's ruining my keyboard. Help! Friend! Get her off! This is MY blog! Waaaah! I want my turn to last the longest!
Shush, Friskins. You have to learn to share your things nicely like my little Cherry snookums does.
Eww. Why do have to call her those disgusting names?
 Shush. Cherry, go ahead, sweetie.
C*H*E*R*R*Y M*A*M*A F*R*E*N*D 
Gag, gag, retch.
She's only a kitten, Friskins Diva Junior!
Cherry Pie is ruining my blog!People, if you would please write "FRISKY RULES" in the comments, maybe Cherry will stop writing!
my naime is cherry i am a cute kitten friskee is ugly ugly ugly.
Oh, you are SO in for it now, you little hairball!
Leave your sister alone! Friskins! Stop chasing her! Cherry! Come to Mama! Come here!
Huff puff. Ya little brat.
Cherry, it's about time you went to bed. You too, Friskins. Good night, my little cuddles. Good night, Friskins.
Huh. At least Talula and Smudge don't touch my keyboard. Tally, Smudgie, come here, and stop climbing the drapes. Bed time.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi, everyone! I know you've all been wondering how the kittens look like, so I took the liberty of posting a picture from the iPad today. It took us such a long time to figure out how to send this to the computer as our Blogger app was not working. This is only of Talula. Sorry. 
Anyway,  we've had three kittens die. Mano's. Everyone was depressed for a while. 3 days. Smudge and Talula were very confused because usually they get picked up and snuggled by someone at some point, but that time, everyone was too sad. Smudge is getting very feisty, and she snuck up behind Friend's chair while she read a book and climbed up like a stealth ninja. She was climbing from a leg, and then she hung on to Friend's sock. "Ah!" Friend yelped. "Spider!" Friend wiggled her leg, then she plucked a very dizzy Smudge off her sock. "Frisky, can't you CONTROL her for once?!" she demanded, setting Smudge down. Talula started to climb up a leg too, but Friend plucked her down. "Well, SOR-ry, I can't help it if I was taking a nap!" I snapped, but it just came back as "Meow, MEOW meow, meow!"
I think Talula and Smudge deserve their own blogs sooner or later. Keep your eyes peeled, fans.
Smudge! Why you little- you get down from there right this instant, do you hear me?!
Excuse me, folks, but Smudge is climbing the drapes again.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Bat, or Not to Bat. That is the Question.

Okay, good news, bad news. Good news, my babies, Talula (who is her grandmother's exact replica) and Smudgie have fur now, and I heard Friend say a new word : Nimrod.  She was aiming it at that old buffoon, Chester, aka big baby, aka suck up, aka stinky breath. I think it suits him fine.
Bad news, the dogs keep coming near me, so  I only keep Tally (Talula's nickname. Thank you,  Friend)  and Smudgie in three parts of the house, the living room, the study, and Friend's bedroom,  where the dogs are now off limits. Oh yeah, and poor old Toffee's eye literally popped out.  Yuck! Thank goodness me and Friend were in her bedroom sleeping in when it happened.  I was on Friend's back, which she doesn't like, but she likes it when I sit on her feet or lounge on her tummy, blinking softly while purring. This is a good trick if she can't sleep. You see, the dogs sleep outside at night, and us kitties sleep inside. I, of course, sleep in Friend's bedroom. 
Excuse me, folks, but I gotta remind the maid to clean out my litter box as I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO GO!
A few minutes later...
Okay, maybe that's enough for today. Bye, everyone.