Saturday, September 20, 2014

Midnight Mischievousness

It's actually a little past midnight while this post is being written! Right now, Talula got hungry and started meowing in the middle of the night. Friend and everyone else got up. Friend's mother FTS came up and with Mama. I have to let Cherry Pie, Mama's last remaining kitten write.
Hi i'm cherry cherrycherrycherrycherryvherrycherrycherrycherry i like ritng. 
Cherry! Stop it!
Friskins! Let your sister have a turn! 
Argh! But Maaaahm! She doesn't even TYPE properly!
No. Cherry, dear, have a turn.
Cherry pye. my naime is cherry pie. i like milck. i wanna plaiy. 
Enough! You type like you're dyslexic.
Friskins! Do I have to remind you to share nicely with your sister!
hahahahahaha i get 2 type. i dont like friskee.
Why you little-
Cherry, dear, you type to your heart's content.
cherry cherry c;'khydgfhiidbnskhikqhugehwfe;l
She's ruining my keyboard. Help! Friend! Get her off! This is MY blog! Waaaah! I want my turn to last the longest!
Shush, Friskins. You have to learn to share your things nicely like my little Cherry snookums does.
Eww. Why do have to call her those disgusting names?
 Shush. Cherry, go ahead, sweetie.
C*H*E*R*R*Y M*A*M*A F*R*E*N*D 
Gag, gag, retch.
She's only a kitten, Friskins Diva Junior!
Cherry Pie is ruining my blog!People, if you would please write "FRISKY RULES" in the comments, maybe Cherry will stop writing!
my naime is cherry i am a cute kitten friskee is ugly ugly ugly.
Oh, you are SO in for it now, you little hairball!
Leave your sister alone! Friskins! Stop chasing her! Cherry! Come to Mama! Come here!
Huff puff. Ya little brat.
Cherry, it's about time you went to bed. You too, Friskins. Good night, my little cuddles. Good night, Friskins.
Huh. At least Talula and Smudge don't touch my keyboard. Tally, Smudgie, come here, and stop climbing the drapes. Bed time.

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