Saturday, September 20, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi, everyone! I know you've all been wondering how the kittens look like, so I took the liberty of posting a picture from the iPad today. It took us such a long time to figure out how to send this to the computer as our Blogger app was not working. This is only of Talula. Sorry. 
Anyway,  we've had three kittens die. Mano's. Everyone was depressed for a while. 3 days. Smudge and Talula were very confused because usually they get picked up and snuggled by someone at some point, but that time, everyone was too sad. Smudge is getting very feisty, and she snuck up behind Friend's chair while she read a book and climbed up like a stealth ninja. She was climbing from a leg, and then she hung on to Friend's sock. "Ah!" Friend yelped. "Spider!" Friend wiggled her leg, then she plucked a very dizzy Smudge off her sock. "Frisky, can't you CONTROL her for once?!" she demanded, setting Smudge down. Talula started to climb up a leg too, but Friend plucked her down. "Well, SOR-ry, I can't help it if I was taking a nap!" I snapped, but it just came back as "Meow, MEOW meow, meow!"
I think Talula and Smudge deserve their own blogs sooner or later. Keep your eyes peeled, fans.
Smudge! Why you little- you get down from there right this instant, do you hear me?!
Excuse me, folks, but Smudge is climbing the drapes again.

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