Monday, November 3, 2014


Well,  I have bad news: Talula died too, last week. It took me days to recover, but now I'm fine. And I slapped Chester today, which really got me in trouble. Well, SOR-RY! He was the one biting my tail! I don't have much to say, because I AM BORED. And sleepy. Good night, people.

An Awesome Photo-Shoot

WOW! I had an AWESOME day! Friend took some pictures of me and Mama! See below:
Now, Friskins, please. Share with me. I shall add captions of my own.

"Mmm, delightful..."

"What is that thing crawling by the potted plants?"

"Mm, interesting, now would you add some more gravy?"


Vignette works perfectly in this pose.

Friskins the Foolish

Up and Down

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friend Blows a Fuse: Part One

I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, AGGRAVATED. Dumb Cherry. I hate her. I am disgusted that we are even RELATED for Pete's sake! 
So, I was just minding my own business and laying down on the sofa, typing my blog. Then that DUMB menace who is supposedly referred to as my sister came ambling along and BROKE MY KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!! This is why I am doing this on the phone. This is why I am so angry. Excuse moi, people but I smell chicken, and am going to use my lovely charm on F.T.S (Friend The Second) to get some table scraps. Yummy!

C*H*E*R*R*Y. stinky friskee. i am cherry pye. i am cyoot i dont like stinky friskee. 


stinky i hate yoo friskee yoo are so uglee. i am the cyootest.


Trust Friend to do that. HA! As if I'm a criminal. I'm criminally beautiful. Cherry stinks. Please type FRISKY IS BEAUTIFUL, CHERRY IS STINKY in the comments. Why? Because IT IS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Smudge: R.I.P.

This is Frisky's owner. We're sorry to say, Smudge died. Frisky went out and hid Talula somewhere yesterday, but that's what she did once, when her cousin Queenie died when she was only little. She'll be back eventually, in a few days.
We think she died because the weather is changing, and she was droopy. But thankfully, we still have Talula.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Share, Share, Share. Ugh!

Groan. Mama has to type too. I've just put the kittens to bed for a nap, so she had BETTER BE QUIET!
Friskins! Don't yell at your mother! And keep your pesky daughters away from my tail!
That's it, Smudge! Come on, go for her back! Hup two, hup two! And come on, Talula! Shake tail!
Ah, the glories of kitten-hood.
Talula, Smudge, or Smidge, whatever your name is, get off me and behave like civilized kittens. 
Don't listen to her! Go on, babies, I've been waiting for this moment for the longest time.
You are all grounded.
Don't be so dramatic. 

Picture Superiority

Everyone says I pose beautifully. Ha! In yo face, Chester suck up! He thinks his pictures are cool, but look below. I put a picture of MOI and my exquisitely pretty kitty Smudge. And there are some of the nimrod's pictures below. Spot the difference, people, spot the difference.
The Big Black Nimrod's Only Good Picture.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Smudgie and Mommy: Quality Time

Smudge and I played outside together. Talula was inside, playing with Friend, the lazy girl. Here are the snapshots:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cuties At the Park

Talula and Smudge and I went to the park. Smudge enjoyed herself immensely,  bouncing around. Talula hid behind me, but she was okay after a bit. These are the photos. Smuge was against a blanket on Friend's chest.

Big Sad Lunatic

I think I burst a lung laughing! Chester is in deep doo doo with Friend. Here's the story.
I was lying in the kitchen,  grooming myself, when Chester trotted along. "Hey, this is my place, ya big black pest!" I told him. "Bug off," he said. Then that bafoon opened the fridge...and knocked over tye big Baskin Robbins icecream tub...then he started licking it...I tried to warn him...he was still licking when Friend stepped into the kitchen. "CHESTER!"she yelled. He stopped dead and put on a  big sad innocent puppy dog face. Friend wouldn't buy it. She made him sit in the living room with this paper like this:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Singing Lessons

cherry chreey cherry cherry mama mama stgigugtit7u6tu67
Cherry! Go away!
No faire no faire stinky ugly friskee
No no no, frend. want to type.
Thank you, Friend. Oop. Excuse me a moment, people. I gotta use the litterbox. 
To be continued...
Cherry, dear, please go ahead and type.
GO AWAY! Shoo. Mama, a little privacy? Okay. Here's the REAL post. 
Talula and Smudge went to the living room while Friend was having her piano lessons and started to grope around. They actually fell into the piano! Well, Talula did. I was there too, but I fell asleep on the big armchair. Smudge started to yowl. "Shut it," Friend hissed. I climbed the piano and found Talula in the place where the big strings are. I pulled her out and she told me that Smudge had pushed her. Well, Miss Smudge Van Musical just sat there and pawed around. I dragged her away for her feeding. Tally, please don't climb those drapes. Just a minute.
Smudge! Don't you dare!
sorry mommy.
That's okay, dear, just don't do it again. You can do it when you're old enough. At least you have a sense of spelling. That goes for you too, Talula, and PLEASE stop climbing the drapes, sweetie! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Midnight Mischievousness

It's actually a little past midnight while this post is being written! Right now, Talula got hungry and started meowing in the middle of the night. Friend and everyone else got up. Friend's mother FTS came up and with Mama. I have to let Cherry Pie, Mama's last remaining kitten write.
Hi i'm cherry cherrycherrycherrycherryvherrycherrycherrycherry i like ritng. 
Cherry! Stop it!
Friskins! Let your sister have a turn! 
Argh! But Maaaahm! She doesn't even TYPE properly!
No. Cherry, dear, have a turn.
Cherry pye. my naime is cherry pie. i like milck. i wanna plaiy. 
Enough! You type like you're dyslexic.
Friskins! Do I have to remind you to share nicely with your sister!
hahahahahaha i get 2 type. i dont like friskee.
Why you little-
Cherry, dear, you type to your heart's content.
cherry cherry c;'khydgfhiidbnskhikqhugehwfe;l
She's ruining my keyboard. Help! Friend! Get her off! This is MY blog! Waaaah! I want my turn to last the longest!
Shush, Friskins. You have to learn to share your things nicely like my little Cherry snookums does.
Eww. Why do have to call her those disgusting names?
 Shush. Cherry, go ahead, sweetie.
C*H*E*R*R*Y M*A*M*A F*R*E*N*D 
Gag, gag, retch.
She's only a kitten, Friskins Diva Junior!
Cherry Pie is ruining my blog!People, if you would please write "FRISKY RULES" in the comments, maybe Cherry will stop writing!
my naime is cherry i am a cute kitten friskee is ugly ugly ugly.
Oh, you are SO in for it now, you little hairball!
Leave your sister alone! Friskins! Stop chasing her! Cherry! Come to Mama! Come here!
Huff puff. Ya little brat.
Cherry, it's about time you went to bed. You too, Friskins. Good night, my little cuddles. Good night, Friskins.
Huh. At least Talula and Smudge don't touch my keyboard. Tally, Smudgie, come here, and stop climbing the drapes. Bed time.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi, everyone! I know you've all been wondering how the kittens look like, so I took the liberty of posting a picture from the iPad today. It took us such a long time to figure out how to send this to the computer as our Blogger app was not working. This is only of Talula. Sorry. 
Anyway,  we've had three kittens die. Mano's. Everyone was depressed for a while. 3 days. Smudge and Talula were very confused because usually they get picked up and snuggled by someone at some point, but that time, everyone was too sad. Smudge is getting very feisty, and she snuck up behind Friend's chair while she read a book and climbed up like a stealth ninja. She was climbing from a leg, and then she hung on to Friend's sock. "Ah!" Friend yelped. "Spider!" Friend wiggled her leg, then she plucked a very dizzy Smudge off her sock. "Frisky, can't you CONTROL her for once?!" she demanded, setting Smudge down. Talula started to climb up a leg too, but Friend plucked her down. "Well, SOR-ry, I can't help it if I was taking a nap!" I snapped, but it just came back as "Meow, MEOW meow, meow!"
I think Talula and Smudge deserve their own blogs sooner or later. Keep your eyes peeled, fans.
Smudge! Why you little- you get down from there right this instant, do you hear me?!
Excuse me, folks, but Smudge is climbing the drapes again.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Bat, or Not to Bat. That is the Question.

Okay, good news, bad news. Good news, my babies, Talula (who is her grandmother's exact replica) and Smudgie have fur now, and I heard Friend say a new word : Nimrod.  She was aiming it at that old buffoon, Chester, aka big baby, aka suck up, aka stinky breath. I think it suits him fine.
Bad news, the dogs keep coming near me, so  I only keep Tally (Talula's nickname. Thank you,  Friend)  and Smudgie in three parts of the house, the living room, the study, and Friend's bedroom,  where the dogs are now off limits. Oh yeah, and poor old Toffee's eye literally popped out.  Yuck! Thank goodness me and Friend were in her bedroom sleeping in when it happened.  I was on Friend's back, which she doesn't like, but she likes it when I sit on her feet or lounge on her tummy, blinking softly while purring. This is a good trick if she can't sleep. You see, the dogs sleep outside at night, and us kitties sleep inside. I, of course, sleep in Friend's bedroom. 
Excuse me, folks, but I gotta remind the maid to clean out my litter box as I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO GO!
A few minutes later...
Okay, maybe that's enough for today. Bye, everyone.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I am SO mad at that ginger tom named Gobbler! He's the same one that attacked me when I was a little kitten. He has given me a nasty limp! He chased me up a tree and cornered me so I fell.  Friend heard me and snatched Gobbler away. She knocked at his owner's door with her foot, holding him at arm's  length "Your cat Gobbler has just been in a fight with Frisky. Keep him away from our yard, or I will release dogs on him, thank you very much," Friend said, in a tone slightly harsher than her own. "Oh, Gobbler,  you bad boy! What am I going to do with you?"said his owner, a thin boy of 14. I quite like him.  Friend stomped indoors with me. She put me on a cushion with a towel. Her mother came into the room and asked what all the fuss was about.  "That old Gobbler was at it again,  Mom," Her mother got the icky Piodine and smeared it all over my leg. I had a little nap and meowed noisily for milk. Friend was a bit grouchy because she had been in her comfy position.  I got waited on hand and foot, and Friend put my babies next to me. Mama has to deal with her babies herself, while Friend helps me with mine.
Hey, people, can you help me name my babies? Just give in names for kittens, 3 for boys, 3 for girls. Thank you!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Unknown Birth

Once again,  I Frisky have given birth.  This morning really.  I am a mother of 3 hairless, squirming babies. This is what happened:
I was snuggled up in  Friend's lap, and she was stroking me when I let out a mighty yowl. I jumped away from her lap,and scrambled for the kitchen. There,  Friend's mother was making a cherry pie." MYOW! " I yelled to get her attention.  "Oh! Frisky,  what's the matter?" She asked.
"Rowr Mow Miao!" She got the message.  I was propped up on pillows when I was taken to the attic. I pushed a bit,  this time without Mama's help. Pop! Out came a baby! Ooh, not again! Pop! Another.  Pop. And another.  Whew! I'm all done.  Friend is a little bit annoyed with the fact that I have taken my babies under the old fridge in the attic so she can't take pictures.  But really it's because of the dogs.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Homes for My Babies

We found new homes for my babies! They seemed happy, so did I, but my owner was a bit sad. First, Honey Bunny was picked by a couple whose dog just died. How sad! But they were very nice, and the wife petted me and called me a Darling Little Creature. 
My next baby,Picky Picky , was picked by a granny for her grandson. She called Cupcake a Sweet Little Muffin. 
Another baby, Sugarplum, was picked by a family of 4, with a mommy, a daddy, a little girl of 4, and a baby. The girl, Lily, played around with me and the others. She gave me a relaxing rub on the head. I like her.
Moo was adopted by a French couple with a baby and puppy. Thank goodness the puppy was friendly!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Disaster Strikes: Part 1, Pregnancy Can Be Contagious

AAH! NOOO! I can't believe this! I gave birth! I've been PREGNANT! No wonder I was fat, and just this morning,  I gave birth!

I was sitting outside on the lounge-chair, my favorite spot, when all of a sudden, I felt this HORRID pain. It was unbearable, and I yowled loudly, and the neighbors, the Partridges, hurried out. I was squatting down with the pain, and the kind lady in the Partridge family, Winifred, knocked the door and my owner's mother came. "Your cat is just about to give birth. I suggest you call the nearest vet right away, hon, or who knows what'll happen," she explained. "No, I can do this. I've handled mother dogs about to give birth, so our Friskanator is no problem," said my owner's mom. She rushed me inside, and even Mama was curious, so she followed. The owner's mother called for my owner to get the basket and old blankets. I was propped up and suddenly, I pushed and...POP! I had a kitten! My owner cooed and put my kitten, Sugar-lump, on a hot water bottle. And then again, I felt like yowling so I did, and...POP! Another baby! Picky-picky was born! He was plonked on the hot bottle along with his sister Sugar-lump. "YOWL, MEOW, MEOW!" I yowled. Again, I pushed, and pushed, and...POP! I was annoyed. Not again. I didn't yowl, I hissed. POP! And Moo was born! Oh, man, not again! Push, POP! Phew. Now Honey-Bunny was born. At last. 4 kittens, all squeaking on a big hot water bottle. I am NEVER doing that again! 

Oh, yeah, and MAMA has been a big help, with HER baby, Ginger pouncing on his sister, ME. She'd better keep little Jungle-Boy Ginger behaved, or he'll get it! It's funny, I can be ME, ME, ME again, and Mama can babysit. Ah, to be free. To catapult into bed each day, to pounce on Cupcake, to bounce on my owner's bed, to drive Mama to her wit's end! It all feels gooooood again. And my kitties had better behave when they're older, or they'll get it! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Babies Are Born!

Well, guess what? I'm an older sister and not happy. Everyone just keeps on going "Aw" at the babies and not at the real diva star, ME. My dad, Big Daddy, who lives 20 minutes away is real proud of his babies. Mama just HAD to have more kids. As if I'm not enough!
And not one of the babies look cute. They have thin wisps of fur, closed eyes, and feeble bodies. Human babies look like plucked chickens. 

Stop it Friskins. I won't have you being a pouting little bossy boots, whining and complaining. All the kits look perfectly normal and are therefore, absolutely precious. 
Not. They look like skinned rabbits
Friskins the kitten! Shall I smack you?
Yeah like that's got any effect on me...
Very well.
OW! Maaah!
You did deserve it. Do you know you looked just like them when you were newborn? You mewled quite a lot.
ACK! I'm gonna puke now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good News and Bad News...

The bad news : My mother's owners are moving. The good news: She's gonna live with us...FOREVER!!!! Ma doesn't seem to mind ; she's actually good with it. I'M SO HAPPY-Y-Y-Y!!! Yip-yip-yippee! Oh! That's Mom at the door. I'll get it!
 Stand aside Friskins. Let me type.
But Mooom! 
No "But"s Friskins. It is my turn. Please step aside. NOW.
Grouch. Fine. Here.
My worthless old owners are moving to some place else and I shall now live in Frisky's owner's humble abode. It is my duty as a pregnant mother that Friskins keeps all paws to herself and remembers her manners. She will not touch my stomach as I am expecting children at the moment. And Friskins?
Yawn. Yeah?
We do not call our mothers "Grouch". Understood?
Yes mother. 
I think I have second thoughts on being happy about Mom moving in.....
Mama, pregnant.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I've got 2 bad things to tell you fans about! 1) Cupcake's hurt his right paw! (Go to his blog and see how he's doing by clicking here: 2) My mother and her owner have gone for a 3 day vacation! Help me!!!!! I"M IN DESPAIR!!
 20 minutes and 12 pats later.....
OK, I just calmed down because my owner just started petting me. Anyway, Cupcake has been taken to the living room to have this ucky brown stuff on his injured paw. I've seen the medicine, and even dared touch it. I got the cold slimy stuff on my paw and I had to have a bath (which I hate).  After my dreaded bath, I started mewing loudly as to get some attention. My plan backfired, and I got a telling off. 
And how, just HOW can I wait 3 whole days for my Mama to come back? I'll hope for the best.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Horrendousness of Little Boys

Sorry everyone! I haven't written in quite a while and I know how much you love to visit my blog! Gr, I'm so MAD at myself! 
 Any-hoo, our neighbors came over for lunch today. I don't know their names because they're in foreign language. The family has 2 kids and they are young. Like, 4 or 5. Both boys, UGH! They both pulled my ears and tugged and my tail and had LOUSY attempts to pat me on the head. And the way they did it! Thump, thump, thump over my head!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Oh, today was the worst day in the WORLD! Namely, INJECTION day! I don't like my vet either. He holds me too tightly, and also he makes us wait for HALF AN HOUR while he finds those stupid shots of his!
 When it was my turn to go, before my owner could grab me, I ran for it! I ran back to the waiting room, and climbed on the vet's big cabinet. My owner had to climb up on a chair to reach me!

No matter how many times I tried to escape, I was caught. So...I just got a stupid shot.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yuck, Blech, PEE YEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite room in the house, the study, got painted today. Auburn, quite a pretty color, and an exquisite name. Auburn. Auburn. Auburn. AUBURN! 
Me and the dogs got a royal telling off because we stepped into the room, and practically got paint on our paws. We were told "not to set ONE SINGLE paw in the room" or we'd be in for it, big time! My owner is VERY excited. She says it look "fab-tastic". 
The paint arrived right now. It smells weird. I tried to give it back to the painter guy by pushing it along with my head, and my paws. But he wouldn't take it back no matter HOW hard I tried. They're painting now, and weird smells are coming from that room. 
I think I'm up for some chicken. Good by, everyone. See ya soon.

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Worst Day

Monday is always my WORST day of every single week in a month. This Monday, I accidentally got a piece of wood when I happened to see Mama's house was getting new chairs. And after that, I climbed up the cabinet and I fell. Thank goodness the fluffy rug was there! Then, I accidentally got scratch marks on the sofa when I climbed up it, and I got a telling off. Uggggghhhh! I hate Mondays and I'd rather have an extra Tuesday because I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE MONDAYS! Deep breaths. Huhhh, hoooo, huhhh, hoo. I gotta go. Where's my little ball?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mama's Visit

Today, my mama came over for a visit with her owner. They live right down the street from us, so our visits are pretty common. So, me and Mama went outside and she lay down on the courtyard chairs. I climbed up there too, and batted her tail like I did when I was 4 or 5 months old. "Frisky! You are a grown up kitten now! You should know by now,"she scolded. "But Mama, I'm only 6 months old!" I protested, furiously. Then came the bat. I got batted right on the butt. So when Mama left, I was a bit glad.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Diva

Today my owner's friends came over and one of them called me a "Divalicious  Diva". I like the word. 
It is I, humble subjects, Frisky, Queen of the Divas! You may bow and kiss my paw now. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jingle Bells, Cat Litter Smells.....

The maid forgot to clean my cat-litter AGAIN. I had to do it behind a bush. SO EMBARRASSING! And that tabby tom was watching from the top of a tree. MY tree. I climbed up it and we got into a fight. Thank goodness I wasn't hurt, but I gave him a piece o' my mind! Then, I got stuck up there, and my owner had to climb up that tree to get me down. I was shaky for hours after that! 
Is that stupid tabby tom gone?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Me myself, and I

I'm a girl kitten-diva, go by the name of Frisky. I live in a mansion with 3 highly annoying dogs and a hamster. He has his own blog, and one of the dogs does too. But MY blog is the best, and so, you'll wanna come here every single day. I like attention and being in the spotlight, mainly getting all the attention. I also love going out, so my owners made me my own cat door. But I also enjoy curling up in my owner's lap, while she strokes my head. 
Anyway, I hate when the others get attention.What makes them more special than me ? And I hate it when our maid forgets to empty my kitty litter, so have to do it outside. In front of the dogs. No offence, but they sniff each other's butts, and chew their claws (Or whatever dog feet are called). So my favorite season is winter. The heaters are on, my owner's mom is cooking soup (I don't eat it, but I love the smell), and there's the Christmas tree to climb on in December. My least favorite season is scorching hot summer. I always get fleas and that stupid tabby tom-cat from next door is forever coming in front of me, and trying to play. I do not play with immature, crazy, and naughty cats. Plus, he's a BOY. And I kind of don't like spring, because it was the season when my cousin, Queenie got hit by a car and d-i-e-d. It was so sad, and I was watching the whole thing. Plus, Queenie was only 7 months old, and I was 5 and half months old. So my adoring fans, you now know a lot about Frisky, girl kitten-diva, of the mansion. 
And you can vote for me on Paw Nation. Here's the link: Pet Profile: Frisky